About Us

Crane's Coop is located in the high Desert of Central Oregon. We come from a background of “hard work pays off” we’ve found that saying to be very true!
We love family, god, and of course animals. Outside is where you’ll find us most of the time. We will either be working around the ranch, having fun with the kids while gathering eggs, riding horses or maybe taking our pet fox for a stroll. Together we make a family of six. (The Crane's) Miah (our oldest daughter now a college student), Gabe our son (Our hard working helper around the ranch), Kindrah (our middle daughter with beautiful curly hair and fun personality), & Gail (Our youngest daughter that is a total animal lover!) It seems like yesterday they were born. They grow so fast! We really enjoy our Family time together!
Here on the ranch we raise APHA, AQHA, POA horses, African Servals, African Caracals, Foxes, Peafowl,Heritage Turkeys and of course Chickens.
We fell in love with a few of the chicken breeds after attending a poultry shows & connecting with breeders. On the ranch we now have, Blue Laced Red Wyandotte, Large fowl (BBS) Cochins , Bearded Silkie (paints), Araucana large Fowl Black & BBRed tufted/Non tufted & Black Copper Marans. All of our lovely breeds are chosen from specialty breeders across the nation that dedicate their time just like we do with culling so our quality is near to the standard of each breed.
(no chicken is perfect)
What’s our favorite breed you might ask? All of them!!!
Well ok we will tell you why we love each breed.
Cochins: Oh they are so fluffy! This breed is like a giant puff ball. They follow you around like puppy dogs, and have the most laid back personality. They lay a light tan colored egg. Great bird for kids to enjoy as well.
Araucana: Well who doesn't like Blue eggs?! They are amazing layers, we have had the pleasure of getting eggs all year from the ladies. Their rumpless and tufted look is different than other breeds. This breed is a lot more challenging to breed for standard than most but were up for the challenge!
Black Copper Marans: Hello ! Chocolate brown eggs how cool! Who doesn't like a black bird with striking copper color against their black feathers. They're pretty docile and another great breed to have around the farm that is beautiful.
Our NPIP (National Poultry Improvement Plan)
certification number for the state of Oregon is 406-8
NPIP certification means our birds are tested to ensure they are pullorum - Typhoid free and that our chicks, Adult chickens, and hatching eggs are free and clean of diseases or infections.
We Vacinate our flocks for the following:
click on each highlighted vaccine to know more.
Fowl Pox Vaccine for Chickens
MG-Bac Mycoplasma Gallisepticum Bacterin for Poultry
MD-Vac CFL (Marek's Disease) for Poultry
Chickens have a very delicate immune system and are easily susceptible to deadly contagious diseases, we have a strict bio security measures in place on our farm. We do not allow anyone on the property near our chicken coops or chick brooder areas in an effort to illuminate potential harmful outside bacteria to our flock. No handling of our birds unless you were purchasing them to take home. We take the health for birds, and other animals that live on the farm very seriously.
Take a look around and feel free to contact us with any questions or comments. Thanks for being hereTake a look around and feel free to contact us with any questions or comments. Thanks for being here!
We love family, god, and of course animals. Outside is where you’ll find us most of the time. We will either be working around the ranch, having fun with the kids while gathering eggs, riding horses or maybe taking our pet fox for a stroll. Together we make a family of six. (The Crane's) Miah (our oldest daughter now a college student), Gabe our son (Our hard working helper around the ranch), Kindrah (our middle daughter with beautiful curly hair and fun personality), & Gail (Our youngest daughter that is a total animal lover!) It seems like yesterday they were born. They grow so fast! We really enjoy our Family time together!
Here on the ranch we raise APHA, AQHA, POA horses, African Servals, African Caracals, Foxes, Peafowl,Heritage Turkeys and of course Chickens.
We fell in love with a few of the chicken breeds after attending a poultry shows & connecting with breeders. On the ranch we now have, Blue Laced Red Wyandotte, Large fowl (BBS) Cochins , Bearded Silkie (paints), Araucana large Fowl Black & BBRed tufted/Non tufted & Black Copper Marans. All of our lovely breeds are chosen from specialty breeders across the nation that dedicate their time just like we do with culling so our quality is near to the standard of each breed.
(no chicken is perfect)
What’s our favorite breed you might ask? All of them!!!
Well ok we will tell you why we love each breed.
Cochins: Oh they are so fluffy! This breed is like a giant puff ball. They follow you around like puppy dogs, and have the most laid back personality. They lay a light tan colored egg. Great bird for kids to enjoy as well.
Araucana: Well who doesn't like Blue eggs?! They are amazing layers, we have had the pleasure of getting eggs all year from the ladies. Their rumpless and tufted look is different than other breeds. This breed is a lot more challenging to breed for standard than most but were up for the challenge!
Black Copper Marans: Hello ! Chocolate brown eggs how cool! Who doesn't like a black bird with striking copper color against their black feathers. They're pretty docile and another great breed to have around the farm that is beautiful.
Our NPIP (National Poultry Improvement Plan)
certification number for the state of Oregon is 406-8
NPIP certification means our birds are tested to ensure they are pullorum - Typhoid free and that our chicks, Adult chickens, and hatching eggs are free and clean of diseases or infections.
We Vacinate our flocks for the following:
click on each highlighted vaccine to know more.
Fowl Pox Vaccine for Chickens
MG-Bac Mycoplasma Gallisepticum Bacterin for Poultry
MD-Vac CFL (Marek's Disease) for Poultry
Chickens have a very delicate immune system and are easily susceptible to deadly contagious diseases, we have a strict bio security measures in place on our farm. We do not allow anyone on the property near our chicken coops or chick brooder areas in an effort to illuminate potential harmful outside bacteria to our flock. No handling of our birds unless you were purchasing them to take home. We take the health for birds, and other animals that live on the farm very seriously.
Take a look around and feel free to contact us with any questions or comments. Thanks for being hereTake a look around and feel free to contact us with any questions or comments. Thanks for being here!
The Kids
The Family out and about
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